Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Dynamic Drills
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Pull-ups & Muscle-ups
Select from the following for Muscle-up training options based on skill competency:
I. Bar or Ring Muscle-ups
II. Pull-ups
III. Banded Pull-ups & Ring Rows
6 Rounds on the 2:00 of
Round 1 & 2: Max Reps
Rounds 3,4,5,6:
30-40% of best max rep sets, partition as needed for each interval.
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“Spring Fling”
Complete the following for time against an 18:00 time cap
Run 400m
10 x Bar or Ring Muscle-ups
20 x Ground-to-Overhead (pick weight)
30 x Bar Facing Burpees
40 x Slamball (40,30/20,12lbs)
50 x DB Overhead Walking Lunges (35/20lbs)
60 x V-ups
Run 400m
- Scaled Muscle-ups for WOD 1:1
- Pull-ups & Ring Rows 2:1 for Muscle-ups.
- Rx+ x Kness-to-Elbows
- 20,40,60ft x Two reps for Indoor ‘suicide’ Run (Option to sub for outdoor Run).
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