Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Foam Rolling
III. Dynamic Series
IV. Mobility Drills (Emphasis on hips, hammies, ankles, IT bands)
Impact/Focus: Snatch or Power Snatch
Warm-up sets and reps building to a starting weight of 50-60% by moving from an empty barbell through two light to moderate weight sets of 2-3 reps each.
7 Rounds on the :90 seconds of
Snatch x 2 reps
(Climbing weight as able)
- Begin weight @50% to 60% or heavier of a Power or Full Snatch rep record if emphasizing the lift over preparation for the metcon that follows.
- The Snatch moves through a full squat receiving position; the Power Snatch is received in the Power Position.
- Emphasis today will be on barbell position from floor to full extension of the hips as well as efficiency and speed into the receiving position and additionally correct mechanics of the hip to get under the weight.
- Working sets should be touch and go for today for as long as able.
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For time
30 x Snatch (135/95lbs)
- Scale the weight as needed to permit touch and go reps. Time cap at 12:00
Post scores to comments.
150# T&G (double)
squat snatch felt good
3:36 rx (1 miss)