Thursday 08.12.2021

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Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400 to 800m or 50-40-30-20-10 x Single-unders
II. Dynamic Drills
IV. Mobility Drills

ROMWOD: “For the Birds”
18-22:00 ROMWOD, including the following poses

– Child’s Pose with Shoulders
– Saddle
– Half Saddle
– Frog
– Pigeon

Post training to comments.

“No Quarter”
Complete 3 Rounds (scaled), 4 Rounds (Rx’d), or 5 Rounds (Rx+) for max total reps of the following

:30 Max Reps x Medicine Ball Cleans
:15 x Rest
:30 Max Reps x Double-unders/Single-unders
:15 x Rest
:30 Max Reps x Hammer Strikes / Slamball
:15 x Rest
:30 Max Reps x Inchworms
:15 x Rest
:30 Max Reps x HSPU or Handstand Skill Tasks
:15 x Rest



  • Movement scaling and training details regarding points of performance and standards for Range of Motion for the day will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
  • Example: how to set-up for Inchworms, or picking a skill task like handstand Kick-ups or Wallwalks).

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

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