Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Foam Rolling & Dynamic Series (lat, t-spine emphasis)
III. Mobility Drills (Lax Ball, PVC, Banded drills for Snatch Mobility)
Impact/Focus: Power Snatch
Warm up as needed with sets of 2-3 reps, moving from an empty barbell through light to moderate weight sets in order to prepare for the following workload.
7 Rounds on the 2:00 of
3 x Power Snatch
+ 1-2 Drop sets (lighter weight) for thtechnique reinforcement upon completing sets on the clock
Experienced athletes may increase weights across sets as able if they wish to establish a new 3rm. Training all sets across at 70-80% of a recent 1RM would be a second way to approach this training; intent would be focused on improving any of the technical aspects of the lift from round to round. There will be 1-2 drop sets at a much lighter weight to finish our weightlifting training before moving into the metcon; this is intended as reinforcement towards priming movement improvements for future lifts.
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“Tabata Something Else”
Complete 32 Intervals of :20 work x :10 rest; 8 per each of the following movements as shown below. Score will be the high and low number for each movement. There is no rest other than the ten seconds between work intervals during this bodyweight repetition time trial.
8 Rounds of
:20 x Max Reps Pull-ups
:10 x Rest
8 Rounds of
:20 x Max Reps Push-ups
:10 x Rest
8 Rounds of
:20 x Max Reps Abmat Sit-ups
:10 x Rest
8 Rounds of
:20 x Max Reps Air Squats
:10 x Rest
Notes: Movement Standards and scaling options will be covered during the whiteboard brief. This is a valuable benchmark to log as it will provide useful intel for upcoming training evolutions as well as be practical in value for our FITNESS NUTRITION CHALLENGE… INFO DROPS COMING VERY SOON YESSSSSSSSS.
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Power Snatch: 145#.
“Tabata Something Else”: 44 • 42 • 61 • 93 Rx.