Warm-up Drills
I. ROMWOD: Explosive Athlete Routine #4
II. Remedial & Movement Specific Mobility Drills
Impact/Focus: Power Clean Doubles
Warm-up sets, reps & technique review x 5:00
Every :90 seconds x 8 Rounds complete the following;
2 reps x Power Clean
*Same weight across sets @70-80% or climb as able to a max for the day/2RM
*Reseting the start position after each rep or using a touch and go style are both viable for today’s training.
Post scores to comments.
“Love, Death & Robots”
For time
Row 500m
Then… 3-6-9-12-15 of
Power Clean (135/95lbs)
Finish with…
Row 500m
Notes: Scaled Toes-to-Bar movements are x2 reps for today (ie. Supine Leg Raises and Hanging Knee Raises). Scale weights for Power Cleans as needed (70% or less for a 2RM from above or 60% or less than a 1RM record). Rx+ weights 185/135lbs, TTB is Strict Knees-to-Elbows for reps assigned + kipping TTB for reps assigned (round one is 3+3 Strict K2E into + Kipping TTB).
Post scores to comments.
Power Clean Doubles: 95#
Love, Death & Robots: 19:19 (65#)