Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Series & Foam Rolling
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Hang Power Clean Triples
8:00 x Technique Practice, Shoulder Position Over the Bar and ‘Dynamic’ Hang Start position review
Warm-up Sets/Reps building from an empty Barbell up to starting weights.
5 Rounds, on the 2:00 of the following
3 x Hang Power Cleans (Select from I. or II. below)
Select from the following weightlifting session intentions for today’s training
I. Beginning with 50-60% of a 1RM Hang or Power Clean; Climb weight across sets to a heavy 3rm for the day.
II. Use the target “Nasty Girls” weight and work barbell positioning/cycling during each round of lifting (HOOK GRIP!!!). At least the final two sets should be at the intended metcon weight.
Post scores to comments.
“Nasty Girls”
3 Rounds for time
50 x Air Squats
7 x Muscle-ups
10 x Hang Power Clean (135/95lbs)
This is a Benchmark WOD.
Reps will be 1:1 if performing scaled Muscle-ups with a true transition and Ring Dip to finish.
Individually based 2:1 or 3:1 when substituting Pull-ups.
Adjust loads for Hang Power Cleans as necessary.
Rx+ 185/115lbs & Pistols for 50 reps @25 per leg, alternating for the Air Squats.
Reference previous date and blog post for “Nasty Girls” on 03.11.2021 by clicking link HERE.
Post scores to comments.
Impact/Focus: Hang Power Clean Triples
“Nasty Girls”
15:37 (strict pull up with band – 2:1/ 55lbs HPC)
Notes: Could go higher weight but need to work on form first. Need to get the bar in the pocket and then explode. Not just pull the whole bar lol
HPC: 125#
Nasty Girls: 15:13 w/3x pull-ups