Monday 12.13.2021

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Dino weeps tears of metabolic joy at sharing in such robust company while training.

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 3:00 or 750m
II. Dynamic Series & Foam Rolling/Lax Ball (lat, t-spine emphasis)
III. Mobility Drills (Front Rack Mash, Banded drills & Squat Mobility)

*Notes: ‘Addressing the chicken’s wing’.

Impact/Focus: (Full) Clean & Jerk
Warm up as needed with sets of 1-2 reps, moving from an empty barbell through two light to moderate weight sets in order to prepare for the following workload.

Every 2:00 complete the following x 7 Rounds total
(Full) Clean & Jerk x 2-2-1-1-1-1-1

Then… at own pace complete
2 x Drop Sets (go down in weight 20-30%)
3 x Full Cleans + 3 x Jerks


  • Each set of two may be performed as a double, touch and go style, or as two single reps with a reset.
  • Upon completing the best heavy single rep possible complete 2 x Drop Sets (go down in weight 20-30%) and complete 3 x Full Cleans + 3 x Jerks to prepare for the following MetCon (Meaning; Metabolic Conditioning format of workout).

Post scores to comments.

“Can You Stand It (Up)”
5 Rounds for time vs. a 15:00 time cap

5 x Full Clean (135/95lbs)
5 x Jerk (135/95lbs)
10 x Pull-ups
10 x Bar Facing Burpees


  • Scaling weights may reference the lifts performed during the Impact/Focus training; logging achievements is of tremendous benefit to the athlete and their coach in providing for them.
  • Athletes may scaled to Power Clean + Front Squat as needed if confidence and consistency are not quite ready for metcon Barbell work with the full clean.
  • Scaled Pull-ups today are 1:1 reps if strict, 15 reps per round if performing Kipping Pull-ups.
  • Bar Facing Burpees will adhere to predicted standards for the CrossFit Open (FEB 24), however, scaling for safety remains paramount; details pending whiteboard brief.
  • Rx+ 155/105lbs, two options for the Pull-ups @ 10 reps of Chest-to-Bar or 2 x Rope Climbs.
  • Burpees 15 reps per round as a fringe benefit of the Rx+ upgrade.

Post scores to comments.

Samy Daghir

2 thoughts on “Monday 12.13.2021”

  1. AM
    (F)C&J @185lbs
    Drop sets 3 full clean 3 jerk @ 135lbs

    “Can You Stand It (Up)”
    13:10 rx
    Edited to 12:10 forgot to subtract the 1min hesitation start delay

    (F)C&J @195lbs
    135lbs x drop sets

    “Can You Stand It (Up)”
    9:44 rx

  2. Impact/Focus: (Full) Clean & Jerk
    “Can You Stand It (Up)”
    4 rounds + 27 rep (strict banded / 45lbs)

    Notes: Took a Lil snippet video of the impact focus section for further review. Definitely a lack in energy today however going to be adjusting diet to include more fruits to fix feeling so lethargic. Might also start taking vitamin D pills because there’s no sun now as well.


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