Warm-up Drills
I. 3 rounds of
Row x 1:00
10 x Hollow Rocks
10 x Banded Pull Aparts
II. Dynamics & Mobility
Impact/Focus: Back Squat 1-Rep Maximum
*Establishing a one rep maximum for the Wendler Strength Cycle.
*Warm-up sets are 5 reps up to 55% of a 1RM and 3 reps up to 80%.
*Work Single reps from 80% through the establishment of a new one rep maximum.
Versus an 18:00 Running Clock:
Establish a 1 rep Maximum Back Squat
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For time
30-20-10 kcal/reps of
Row (kcal)
1-Arm Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35lbs)
Burpees Over Dumbbell
*Alternate arms each rep per round @ 15 reps + 15 reps, 10 reps + 10 reps, 5 reps + 5 reps respectively.
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