Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Power Snatch 10×1
Warm-up sets: 3 x 5 reps @35-75lbs
Build to a working weight at 70-80% of a 1RM (see last Friday’s training).
All 10 Rounds of working sets and reps will be at the same weight.
10 Rounds, on the :75 seconds of
1 x Power Snatch (70-80%1RM)
- Athletes may perform 1-3 reps per round if completed as a touch and go set; this is on the individual’s discretion considering the tight time intervals for the lifting portion today.
- Build to a working weight at 70-80% of a 1RM (see last Friday’s training).
- All sets and reps will be at the same weight during working sets.
Post weights to comments or notate in a log system.
“The Halfling”
AMRAP 7:00 of
7 x Deadlift (135/95lbs)
10 x Knees-to-Elbows
50 x Double-unders
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 5:00 of
5 x Deadlift (135/95lbs)
7 x Knees-to-Elbows
25 x Double-unders
- Scaling for today will be the same number of reps if performing lighter Deadlifts, Knee Raises/Tuck-ups or Single-unders.
- Each AMRAP starts fresh for a separate score.
- Athletes will have two scores of Rounds & Reps at the end of today’s training evolution.
Post scores to comments.