Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Hang Squat Clean
Warm-up Sets/Reps x 5:00
Every :90 work through the following sets and reps
Hang Squat Clean 3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2-1
Notes: Climb/adjust weights per set as able or needed.
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10:00 AMRAP of
7 x Hang Squat Clean (115/85lbs)
10 x Ring Dips
Notes: Scale Hang Squat Clean weight as needed. Mirror scaling movements to those we used during last weeks Dip training.
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Impact/Focus: Hang Squat Clean
4 rounds + 1 rep (65lbs)
Notes: pulling too soon other than that I think I can get 90lbs. Ring dips; used a bench and did dips that way. Couldn’t find matador ????????♀️ but when used I’m on the thin blu band for assistance!