Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m or Run 400m
II. Posterior Chain, Lax Ball Drills & Overhead Mobility Drills
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Clean Singles
Warm-up sets and movement practice x 5:00
Then… VS a 12:00 Running Clock:
Clean x 1-1-1-1-1-1-1RM
*Build to your best lift on the day, pacing efforts across the 12 minutes.
**The Clean includes a full squat receiving position.
Post scores to comments.
“It’s a Sign”
For time
15-12-9-6-3 x Clean (95/65lbs)
15-12-9-6-3 x Pull-ups
*Each round ends with a 50ft Bear Crawl
12 x Clean (95/65lbs)
Notes: Scale Pull-ups as needed to 1:1 or 2:1 based on the individual. Adjust load for the Cleans if applicable.
Post scores to comments.