Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Foam Rolling & Dynamic Series (lat, t-spine emphasis)
III. Mobility Drills (Lax Ball, PVC, Banded drills)
IV. Training Overview, Set-up & Warm-up
“Unsung Six”
Work through the following:
6:00 x 2RM Front Squat (from the deck)
*Score is best weight lifted, must hit six attempts, climbing weight.
6:00 x 6 Rounds of 1 x Rope Climb & 11 x Push-ups
*Score time to complete or Rounds/Reps completed at the time cap.
6:00 x Run 1000m
*Score is time, remaining time is rest/prep thyself for what comes next.
6:00 x Sandbag Overs (Follow it)
*Score is max reps. Lift and navigate the sandbag up and over the log, then follow it = 1 rep.
6:00 x Burpee Jump to touch Rig
*Score is max reps, only resting must be flat on the deck (ie. bottom of burpee).
6:00 x Max Reps Barbell or Dumbbell Ground-to-Overhead
*Score is reps x weight selected at the end of the six minutes. Any method/lift/bumper weight selection may be used for this challenge. Example: 95lb Snatch while another athlete may perform dumbbell snatch alternating arms at 75lbs. Battle it out, freaks.
Post scores to comments.