Today is Our National Martin Luther King Memorial Holiday
[Every year the birthday of Reverend Martin Luther King is observed as a federal holiday as our country pays respects to the man who played such a pivotal role in the Civil Rights and Social Justice Movements.
Today marks the 35th year of the day’s named significance which continues to stand as a statement and reminder of a life entirely committed to public service.
Martin Luther King Day is also known as a day of service when Americans are encouraged to volunteer with charitable organizations to help their communities.
In Dr. King’s honor & memory the third Monday in January is considered ‘a day on, not a day off’ as millions endeavor to carry out philanthropic and altruistic acts as their personal statements of humble appreciation and acknowledgment.]
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Back Squat 5-5-5+ (WEEK 1)
Work through the following sets of Back Squat using the percentage based sets outlined below.
Example Warm-up Sets
8-10 reps x Air Squat
8-10 reps x Barbell
5 reps x <40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%
Working Sets
5 x 65%
5 x 75%
5+ x 85% (max reps)
Notes: See above image for math-ing/program insights needed for the upcoming strength progressions as we lead up to the CrossFit Open.
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6 Rounds for Time
10 x Toes-to-Bar
12 x Push-ups
15 x Air Squats
Notes: Scaling and Rx+ options to be discussed during the Whiteboard Brief.
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Back Squat