Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m or 2:00 (w/ no straps) or Jump Rope
II. 6 x Dynamic Drills
III. Mobility (Squat & Overhead Emphasis)
Impact/Focus: Power Snatch
Warm-up Sets/Reps x 5:00
Build to a challenging weight that allows technique refinement and movement competency development;
6 Rounds, on the 1:30 of
Power Snatch x 5-3-3-1-1-1 (Climb weight as able)
Then… Vs. 6:00
Work back down with 1-3 reps, hitting each of the weights lifted back down to intended Barbell Met.Con. weight.
*Athletes may build across sets and reps.
Post scores to comments.
“Dong Deh Dee Dong Dong”
Three rounds for max reps/kcal/distance of
1:00 x Double-unders
:10 x Transition Time
1:00 x Power Snatch (75/55lbs)
:10 x Transition Time
1:00 x Burpees
:10 x Transition Time
1:00 x Row (Kcal)
:10 x Transition Time
1:00 x Bear Crawl (distance)
1:10 x Rest
Notes: 5ft =1rep of Bear Crawl. Yurp… bring the lumber, Ninjas!
Post total rep count to comments.