Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Posterior Chain, Lax Ball Drills & Overhead Mobility Drills
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
*ROMWOD or Turkish ROMWOD options.
Impact/Focus: Turkish Get-ups
Warm-up sets & reps + Armbar Stretch and KB Sink Drill
Then… VS. 10:00 complete
20 reps x Turkish Get-ups (10L+10R,alt.)
*Climb weight across working sets to a challenging load and complete for as many reps of the 20 as possible.
**Perform 10 x Box Step Ups/Downs after 4,8,12,16 & 20 reps.
Post scores to comments.
Complete for max distanace/Rounds completed
Max Meters vs
8 Rounds of :30 on x :20 rest
Rest 1:00
10:00 AMRAP of
8 x Inverted Burpees
16 x Box Jumps (24/20”)
Notes: Rx+ option 5 attempts for max distance each round as 1 x Reverse Burpee to Handstand Walk.
Post scores as total meters and rounds/reps completed to comments.
3 rounds