Wednesday 01.25.2023

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Anne went after it with reckless abandon this past weekend in the Masters RXd Division of the CrossFit Exclamation ‘Muscles & Mascara’ competition. YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Press 3-3-3+ (week 2)
Versus a 15-18:00 time limit athletes will work through the following sets of Barbell Press using the percentages shown below and in the post image.

Warm-up Sets / Progression Example:
8-10 reps x PVC or light Dumbbells
8-10 reps x Barbell
5 reps x <40%
5 x 50%
3 x 60%

Working Sets: 3-3-3+
3 x 70%
3 x 80%
3+ x 90% (max reps)

Notes: See the image below for math-ing/program breakdown. Download companion apps like a boss (Keyword: “Wendler 531”). Stated differently; Intended training flow is Every 2:30 to 3:00 work through the following… 8-5-5-3 rep sets to warm-up, then 3-3-3+ reps for working sets.

Post reps and weight for the 3+ set to comments.

Four Week Strength Outline for your Back Squat, Presses & Deadlifts. This is week 2 @3-3-3+. Click to enlarge image.

“18.2 & 18.2a”

Time cap: 12 minutes to complete 18.2 & 18.2a

Part 1: 


1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell squats (50/35)
Bar-facing burpees

Part 2: 


Find a 1-rep-max Clean



  • Scaled athletes should complete 18.2 against a 9:00 clock.
  • This will ensure they are able to make attempts at a clean & jerk in the remaining time.
  • Should there not be enough dumbbells for the class we will implement double reps at a single 32/24kg Kettlebell Goblet Squat OR 2 x 24kg Kettlebells for the same rep load as dumbbells (Plus a bonus 6lbs of tie breaking-bragging rights… allegedly).

Additional Details;

  • If the athlete completes all the squats and burpees before the 12-minute cap, he or she will use the remaining time to complete Workout 18.2a, a 1-rep-max clean.
  • The clean must be performed with a barbell, and the plates must be secured with collars.
  • The athlete may complete as many attempts as he or she likes until the time cap is up but will only receive credit for the heaviest successful lift.
  • Plates smaller than 1⁄2 lb. may not be used, and the minimum weight increase will be 1 pound.

Post time (18.2) and weight (18.2a) to comments.

Samy Daghir

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