Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. Foam Rolling & Lax Ball Drills (Tack n’ holds)
III. Dynamics & Mobility
Impact/Focus: Gymnastic Skills Alt. EMOTM
Every minute on the minute athletes will alternate between the two tasks shown below.
12:00 clock set for 1:00 intervals
Odd Minutes: 7,9 or 12 reps x Ring/Matador Dips
Even Minutes: 8-12 x Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
Notes: Movement range of motion standards review and execution practice.
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“Ladder of Stool”
Complete for Time
(12:00 Hard Time Cap)
10 x Double-unders
1 x Wallwalk
20 x Double-unders
2 x Wallwalk
30 x Double-unders
3 x Wallwalk
40 x Double-unders
4 x Wallwalk
50 x Double-unders
5 x Wallwalk
60 x Double-unders
4 x Wallwalk
70 x Double-unders
3 x Wallwalk
80 x Double-unders
2 x Wallwalk
90 x Double-unders
1 x Wallwalk
100 x Double-unders
- Written out short-form;
- Wallwalks are 1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-1 reps,
- Double-unders have one extra round at 10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90-100 reps.
- Intermediate Scaling adjustmentsfor Double-unders is 10-10-20-20-30-30-40-40-50-50 reps, respectively.
- Single-under scaling is 2:1 for reps.
- Athletes should cap a given round of Jump Rope at 1:30 as needed.
- Further details on points of performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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