Warm-up Drills
I. ‘Rowling’ Intervals
2:00 Row (kcal)
3:00 x Foam Rolling
1:00 Row (kcal)
3:00 x Foam Rolling
II. Dynamics & Mobility Drills
Impact/Focus: Back Squat 1RM
Warm-up sets & reps building to a starting weight x 5:00
Vs. a 15:00 time cap establish a new Back Squat 1RM
Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1RM
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For time vs. a 12:00 Time Cap
Row 40/30kcal
18-15-12-9 of
Barbell Push Press (95/65lbs)
Then… Finish with
Row 20/18kcal
Notes: Scale weight as needed, movement and rep adjustments will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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