Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500m
II. 2 Rounds of 10 x Air Squats, 7 x Push-ups & 15 x Hollow Rocks
III. Dynamic Drills
III. Mobility (Seal Stretch, Pigeons, Seated Straddle, Child’s Pose, Banded & Wall Drills)
Impact/Focus: 1-arm Dumbbell Snatch
Every Minute on the Minute (EMOTM) work through the sets/reps outlined below. Climb weight as able.
Complete the following Set Every :75 x 5 Rounds
2R+2L x 1-arm DB Hang Power Snatch
Complete the following Set Every :75 x 5 Rounds
2R+2L x 1-arm DB Power Snatch
Notes: Points of performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
Post scores to comments.
“Rigor & Vigor”
4 Rounds for Max Reps of
1:00 x Bearcrawl Push/Pull Portage (5 ft = 1 rep)
1:00 x Abmat Sit-ups
1:00 x 1-arm DB Snatch (Alt.L&R)
1:00 x Toes-to-Pole (supine leg raises)
Rest 1:00
Notes: Scaling and Rx+ options will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
Post scores to comments.