Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Deadlift Deload 5×5
Work through the following sets of Deadlift using the percentage based sets outlined below.
**USE 1RM X .9 to establish an adjusted one rep max (ie.90%1RM) before determining weights for sets and reps.
or Reference a recent true 1RM for today’s set & rep percentages.
Warm-up Sets and Reps as needed building to working weight.
Then… Complete the following
5 Rounds, on the 3:00 of
Deadlift x 5 reps @ the same weight
(70% of an adjusted or true one rep max).
Post scores to comments.
“Real Spit, Real Grit”
4 Rounds x 4:00 each
Complete for time vs. 2:00
20 x Barbell Thrusters (45/35lbs)
20 x Bumper Ground-to-Overhead (45/35lbs)
Complete for time vs. 2:00
Run 200m
Scale the weight as needed for each movement before scaling reps accordingly to 15 or 12 in order to maintain an unbroken(ish) effort across each round.
Athletes will rest extra time (if applicable) before starting the run on the following 2:00 clock.
At the 2:00 mark immediately move onto the next task.
We are looking for scaled running options to focus on :40 to 1:00 of distance completed at effort;
Running substitutions for today will be 50 or 25ft shuttle runs at 2-6 ‘reps’ per round.
Post scores to comments.
Impact/Focus: Deadlift Deload 5×5
125lbs 5×5
“Real Spit, Real Grit”
1. Completed
2. 15 BG2O
3. 4 BG2O
4. 15 Thrusters
Notes: forgot to post yesterdays results will be posting tonight after released