Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Tabata Gymnasty Holds & Movers
Range of motion, control & movement quality are the points of performance for the following triplet of gymnastic tasks:
I. 8 Rounds of :20 work x :10 rest
Hold Top of Pull-up or Ring Row for 5 to 10 seconds
Controlled Negative
Active Hang at bottom of Pull-up/Ring Row for 5-10 seconds
Rest 1:00
II. 8 Rounds of :20 work x :10 rest
Hold Top of Ring Dip/Bench Dip/Push-up for 5 to 10 seconds
Controlled Negative
Active Hold at bottom of Ring Dip/Bench Dip/Push-up for 5-10 seconds
Rest 1:00
III. 8 Rounds of :20 work x :10 rest
Controlled Negative Air Squat to bottom ROM
:10 Active Hold at bottom ROM
Stand to full extension,
extra time is rest time (standing… waiting)
Post training notes to comments.
“Acid Reflux”
4 Rounds for time of
Row 350/300m
25-20-15-10 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
10-10-10-10 x Dips
Notes: Scaled volume format would be 4 Rounds of Row 250m + 20-15-10-5 and 7-7-7-7 for the AKBS and Dips Respectively. Intensity prioritized over volume grind, overall & with foresight for pending Hero WODs.
Post scores to comments.
Impact/Focus: Tabata Gymnasty Holds & Movers
No bands + rings for dips
“Acid Reflux”
11:59 rx
Notes: good soup ????????✨