Warm-up Drills
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m
II. Dynamic Series & Foam Rolling
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Bench Press
Warm-up sets and reps building to a 5 rep working weight to begin the following strength sets;
10:00 to complete
Bench Press 5-4-3-2-1 (*Climb weight across sets as able)
Notes: Today’s Bench Pressing could also be known as ‘Fouad Bait’. If time permits complete 1 x drop sets of 8-12 reps at 50% or less of working weight on the day.
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For time
500m Dumbbell Run/Carry (35/20lbs)
25 x Burpee’s Box Jump (30/24″)
500m Dumbbell Run/Carry (35/20lbs)
25 x Burpee’s Box Jump (30/24″)
500m Dumbbell Run/Carry (35/20lbs)
25 x Burpee’s Box Jump (30/24″)
500m Dumbbell Run/Carry (35/20lbs)
Notes: Indoor Run = 50ft x 30 reps. Scaling and points of performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
“This Hero WOD is in honor of First Lieutenant Scott Francis Milley who was killed in the line of duty in the Baraki Barak district of Afghanistan on November 30th, 2010 at the age of 23. “Scooter” grew up in Sudbury excelling in both academics and athletics at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. Every bit as excellent a person as he was a soldier and athlete, the memory of his unrelenting positivity and charisma continues to impact those who knew him. He is survived by his loving parents, Steven and Janice, and by his brother Steve and sister Ashley.
…First Lieutenant Scott Francis Milley was born in Boston, MA on March 26, 1987. Scott was the youngest of three with an older brother Steven and an older sister Ashley. He grew up in the Cambridge and Sudbury areas. Scott earned his diploma from Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School in 2005, where he excelled both academically and athletically as a star on the hockey team and member of the LS community. He subsequently pursued his college education at the University of New Hampshire.
While attending the University he played rugby and participated in Army ROTC. In the ROTC program, Scott was recognized by the Department of the Army as a superior cadet and also attended the basic airborne course at Fort Benning, GA, receiving his Basic Parachutist Badge. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology with a 3.3 grade point average. Upon graduating in 2009, Scott Francis Milley was commissioned a second lieutenant in the United States Army and designated a Distinguished Military Graduate.
Following his graduation from UNH, Scott entered active duty in the infantry branch and completed ranger school. He was commissioned to the 2nd Battalion 30th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, where he served as a platoon leader. Scott was promoted to the rank of first lieutenant, and was deployed to Afghanistan as part of operation Enduring Freedom.
While conducting combat operations in the Baraki Barak district of Afghanistan, 1LT Scott Francis Milley was killed leading his soldiers when insurgents attacked his unit. He died on November 30, 2010, at the young age of 23.
The Milley family knows Scott has gone “to a place where there is only glory.”
1LT Scott Francis Milley was a recipient of the Bronze Star, Combat Infantryman’s Badge and the Purple Heart.”
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