Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Rope Climbs, L-sits, Front Squats
5 Rounds, alternating between the following tasks per interval, each movement is allotted :90 to partition workloads or stop and rest once tasks are complete.
5 Rounds alternating between the following:
:90 to complete
1-3 x Legless Rope Climbs, Rope Climbs or Pulls to Standing
w/ L-sit Hang or Support x :10 to :15 seconds
:90 to complete
5 reps of Front Squat (Climb weight each round)
Notes: Each of the 5 Rounds is 3:00 total time… ie. :90 for the Legless Rope Climb and/or Scaled Pull Strength + L-sit Hang/Hold + :90 for the Front Squat. Set-up and plan for weight increases and time management. There should be extra time around the workload of each interval; scaling will assist in accommodating this volume target.
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“Slamberry Juice”
For time vs. a 15:00 time cap
7 x Rope Climbs
10 x Thrusters (75/55lbs)
25 x GHD Sit-ups
15 x Thrusters (75/55lbs)
50 x GHD Sit-ups
15 x Thrusters (75/55lbs)
25 x GHD Sit-ups
10 x Thrusters (75/55lbs)
50 x Slamball / 100 x Hammer Strikes
Notes: Scale weight to permit larger, unbroken sets of Thrusters as able. Increase load to 95/65 or 115/85lbs as needed. Rope Climbs will scale to 3 or 5 climbs, 12 x Pulls to standing, 21 x Strict Pull-ups (banded as needed), or 35 x Strict Ring Rows. Abmat sit-ups scale to 30 & 60 reps respectively. Additional points of performance and scaling (lasers point both ways…) will be covered during the whiteboard brief. Bring the lumber, Ninjas.
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