Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
*Emphasis on Thoracic and Overhead Mobility, Global Hollow & Global Arch body positioning.
Impact/Focus: Strict Pull-up/Row & Handstand Holds/Kick-ups
Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review into Warm-up sets x 5:00
5 Rounds, on the 2:30, for Quality of
6-12 reps x Strict Pull-ups, Banded Strict Pull-ups or Strict Ring Row
Use the time remaining to work through:
Handstand Kick-up to hold, Shoulder Taps, Walk to Wall drill, Walking, Etc.
- Pace and partition work across each 2:30 window as needed. Scaling and additional points of performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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Complete as many Rounds/Reps as possible (AMRAP) in 14:00 of
60kcal Row
50 x Toes-to-Bar
40 x Burpee Sandball Deadlift (60/40lbs)
30 x Power Cleans (135/95lbs)
20 x Ring Muscle-ups
- Global volume for scaling approach today would guide newer athletes towards a 12-14:00 time capped iteration at 50,40,30,20,10 kcal/reps, respectively.
- Toes-to-Bar is 1:1 for Knee Raises or Supine Leg Raises.
- Scale load as needed for the Sandball and Power Clean movements.
- Scale the Muscle-ups to 1:1 for Jumping, banded, or Glide Kip applications, 2:1 for Pull-ups and Ring Rows. The MetCon encourages kipping, it is not necessary to perform these movements strict as we did in the Impact/Focus above.
- Some Addiontal notes of interest: Live experiments will include the Burpee to Sandball Front Squat (Squat Clean implied or not here) and an Over the Shoulder add-on for a joy multiplier. Ideal mechanics and midline stability during the odd object lift needs to be prime to allow engaging on the Power Clean task with proper movement… ie; the true priority before everyone’s favorite distraction: Intensity.
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The Handstand Walk
The Pull-Up