Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Deadlift 4×5 (WEEK 5)
Warm-up with sets and reps (10-8-6) as needed building to a starting working weight. If using the app; adjust it to 100% 1RM from 90% to see reference numbers.
4 Rounds, on the 3:00 of
Deadlift x 5-5-5-5 (Climb weight)
Row or Bike 15/12 kcal
Notes: Technique and Tempo reinforcement during strength assessment across today’s Deadlift; dual intention carries into priming for the best possible movement in the subsequent MetCon following.
Climb weight as able or sustain working sets as challenging/heavy as possible.
Sprint through the Erg assignment at the end of each Deadlift set before adjusting weights.
Rx+ Max Kcal vs. 1:00 after each Deadlift Set (85%+)
Post scores to comments.
Complete for time vs. a 15:00 Time Cap
60/40ft x Handstand Walk
(or 200ft x Bear Crawl)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 x Deadlift (225/155lbs)
10 reps per round x Toes-to-Bar
Finish with…
30 x Burpee Box Jumps / Over-unders (Bench/Rig)
**Rest 5:00 before the Optional Bonus 2:00 Drill… OH YASSSSSSS, NINJAS.**
Notes: Scale load as needed. Toes-to-Bar will scale 1:1 for Knees to Armpits, Arms, or Elbows, 12 reps per round for Supine Leg Raises or Hanging Knee Raises. Bear Crawl & Inchworms + Push-up will be the scaling emphasis movements for today’s Handstand Walk.
Post scores to comments.
Post METCON Skill/Accessory/Recovery Assignments:
Accessory Training
For Quality: 3-4 Rounds of
12-15 reps x GHD Back Extensions
Skill Practice x HS Walks, Shoulder Taps, Kick-ups, 360 Stinkbug Traverse (20” box)
Recovery & Preventative Maintenance Mobility
I. Accumulate 60-90 seconds inverted x GHD BacK Ext. Passive Hang at bottom ROM (Deload)
II. Couch Stretch x 1-2 minutes per leg
Post scores/results to comments.