Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Press & Push Press
Every :90 x 10 Rounds, work through the following…
Press x 5-4-3-2-1
Push Press x 5-4-3-2-1
(*climb weight as able)
Notes: Climb across sets of Press as able, hitting as heavy as climb and as close to a 1RM as able within the additional pressure of the time intervals. Once the movement changes to the Push Press we are looking to sustain or continue to climb weight as athletes feel the intended transition of strict strength + the aspect of leverage gained through positioning and dynamic movement aspects that are foundational to the Push Press (aka ‘it’s all in the hips’). Reference training via leverage dynamics
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For time, partitioned any way
vs. an 18:00 Time Cap
30 x Ring or Bar Muscle-ups
60 x Push Press (95/65lbs)
90/75kcal Row
Notes: Scaling for the Muscle-up assignment today may be 1:1 or 40 reps total of Scaled Muscle-ups, Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups, and Chin-over-bar (standard) Pull-up, Banded Pull-ups or Ring Rows. Scale load lighter or heavier on the Push Press as applicable. Movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief. Bring your tactics, strategies & endless moxie, Ninjas.
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