Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review (Additional emphasis on wrist /forearm mobility)
Impact/Focus: GHD Flexion & Extension + HS Skill Build
Today’s Impact/Focus training may be structured as 1:00 per each of the three movements shown below OR with a 3:00 clock to allow athletes proficient in these movements a chance to expeditiously hustle through the core movements in order to allow more time for the HS Skill Work (ie a pace which does not omit quality movement execution). Both of these formats are described;
5 Rounds of I. or II. (see below)
I. ‘Developing the Movement(s)’ Format
5 Rounds for Quality of
1:00 x 10-15 reps of GHD Sit-ups
1:00 x 10-15 reps of GHD Extensions
1:00 x Handstand Skills
*Building on last week’s Shoulder Taps + Freestanding/Wall/Support Holds (vs. walks).
**Athletes will have time to work through the set/improve technique, and rest/transition in a more controlled manner than II.
II. ‘Capacity’ Format
5 Rounds for Quality of
VS. a 3:00 Running Clock, complete each set unbroken;
18 x GHD Sit-ups
18 x Back Extensions / 8 x GHR’s
Time Remaining: Time working static handstand holds, palm lifts, shoulder taps
*Building on last week’s Shoulder Taps + Freestanding/Wall/Support Holds (vs. walks).
**Athletes work through the core movements quickly and as unbroken as possible vs. the 3:00 clock, all time remaining may be utilized to work on HS Skills. Work/rest as needed during the skill portion.
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Complete the following for time
vs. a 14:00 soft time cap
Run ‘Out’ 10ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 10ft
Run ‘Out’ 20ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 20ft
Run ‘Out’ 30ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 30ft
Run ‘Out’ 40ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 40ft
Run ‘Out’ 50ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 50ft
7 Rounds of
3 x Wallwalks
10 x Sandball Clean to Over Shoulder (60/40#)
Finish with 50 back down to 10ft of the Run + Bear Crawl
Run ‘Out’ 10ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 10ft
Run ‘Out’ 20ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 20ft
Run ‘Out’ 30ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 30ft
Run ‘Out’ 40ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 40ft
Run ‘Out’ 50ft + Bear Crawl ‘Back’ 50ft
Notes: Sandball scaling for weight will use Slamball and Medicine Balls as needed (Full Squat Clean + Sandball Over Shoulder on the Stand-up; 1 Compound movement is the intention). Additional movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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