Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
*6:00 AMRAP of 10 x Deadbugs + 10 x Hollow Rocks + 10 x Alternating Plank Knee to Elnow/Armpit 15 x Jumping Jacks (‘touch-n-touch’)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Gymnastic Strength & Conditioning
Warm-up & set-up for the following movement assignments. Select one of the rep scheme options for Handstand Push-up & Pull-up strict training as follows;
Every 2:00 x 7 Rounds Total
I. Strict Handstand Push-ups x 3,6 or 9 reps
(Strict HSPU’s, Scaled ROM HSPU’s, Stinkbugs, Push-ups)
II. Strict Pull-ups x 3,6 or 9 reps
- Establish a challenging movement set-up and work through a rep assignment, sustaining quality execution across the 2:00 intervals.
- Each 2:00 is for both Handstand Push-up & Pull-up sets to be completed.
- While unbroken sets are preferred, athletes may break up their reps as needed as long as work is completed within the 2:00 time.
- Today’s priority is establishing a strict Gymnastic Press & Pull Strength baseline (from which athletes will Phoenix themselves with gains).
- Additional Challenge for athletes capable of 10+ reps of either movement: Opt into a test during round one with a single max rep set for both movements; each of the following six rounds would then be assigned as 40% of the max rep sets (ie. 20 x Handstand Push-ups and 20 x Pull-ups = 8 reps + 8 reps for each of the subsequent rounds.
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4 Rounds for time of
7 x Front Squat (95/65lbs)
15 x Toes-to-Bar
30ft x Handstand Walk
or 30 x Alternating Shoulder Taps
- 15:00 Soft Time cap on today’s training.
- Front Squat weight should be heavy enough to challenge completing all rounds unbroken, however, Front Squat quality and the benefit this complementary movement set will pay towards the lingering imprint 24.2 has left on athletes may not be understated…
- Hmm, fine, Rx+ could toe the line today at 135/95lbs + attempt to complete 6 RFT (Rounds for time) vs. the time cap.
- Toes-to-Bar scales to 1:1 for hanging movement substitutions (Knees-to-Elbows, Hanging Knee Raises) and supine movement substitutions (leg raises and v-ups).
- The volume of Handstand Walking or Shoulder Taps may be scaled as needed based on the individual skill capacity for the inversion work. Bear Crawl x 60ft is also a wonderfully horrid scaling option for today’s excitement. Bring the lumber, Ninjas.
- Because Hamburg is the meat and potatoes of Pizza (Yessssss, Paisano’s).
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The Handstand Push-Up
The Wall-Facing Handstand Push-Up
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Pull-Up
The Chest-to-Bar Pull-up
The Front Squat
The Toes-to-Bar
The Handstand Walk