**CFNH will be open for normal hours of operations today, Bring the Lumber, Ninjas!**
Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Overhead Squat
3 to 5:00 x Warm-up with sets and reps as needed building to a starting working weight; climbing across sets and reps as able.
6 Rounds, on the 2:30 of
Overhead Squat x 3-3-3-3-3-3
*Climb across sets as able.
Post scores to comments.
“Lunar Cutsy”
8:00 AMRAP of
6 x Overhead Squats (115/85)
12 x Toes-to-Bar
Rest 2:00, Then…
8:00 AMRAP of
15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
10 x Plank Knees-to-Elbows + Push-up
Post scores to comments.