Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
*Emphasis on mobility for opening up the Front Rack position.
“QF Workout #4”
Clean & Jerk Ladder
5:00 x … Warm-up sets, technique review and point of performance.
Versus a 10:00 Time Cap
10 x Clean & Jerk (135/85lbs)
Rest 1:00
10 x Clean & Jerk (185/125lbs)
Rest 1:00
10 x Clean & Jerk (225/155lbs)
Rest 1:00
Max Reps in time remaining of
10 x Clean & Jerk (245/165lbs)
Notes: Movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
Post scores to comments.
“QF Workout #2”
3 Rounds for time
VS. a 20:00 Time Cap
50 x Wallball (20/14lbs to 10/9ft TGT)
50 x Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
Notes: Movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
Post scores to comments.