Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Bench Press & Sandballs
Every minute on the minute x 14 work intervals (ie. Clock set to 14 intervals of 1:00 work x :15 rest/transtition) athletes will alternate between the two tasks shown below.
Odd Minutes + :15 Rest/Transition
Bench Press x 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 reps
*These are light weight sets; work no heavier than 70%1RM.
Even Minutes + :15 Rest/Transition
Sandball Ground-T0-Shoulder or Tire Flips x 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 reps
Notes: The first minute of each movement is one rep respectively; Interval 2 for each movement adds 1 rep, each subsequent interval will also add one additional rep to Bench Press and Sandball/Tire Flip workloads. There are 15 seconds of rest/transition/adjust weight time between the minutes of work.
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“Shocks & Struts”
15:00 AMRAP of
Row 21/15kcal
10 x Sandball Ground-T0-Shoulder (20-100#)
80ft x Sandball Carry (Bear-Hug to Chest)
15 x Slamball (30/20lbs) or 15 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
Notes: Sandball Ground-T0-Shoulder brings the Sandball to the Athletes shoulder, alternating sides each rep, finishing in full extension with control of the Ball similar to the completed rep-stand-up during a Front Squat. Yes, we will just show you.
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Skill Development
1. Pliability ROM/WOD (Short today, longer Friday…)
2. Watch your Coaches rage out over technology blocks
3. Become impatient and engage in the camaraderie building team sport known as Spikeball.