Register or come support your comrades at CrossFit TUFF’s 2nd Annual Heart and Swole Partner Competition! Read on for more details…
From the EVENT homepage linked HERE:
Event Details
Grab your favorite “Swolemate” and reserve your spot for our second annual Valentine’s Day “Heart and Swole” Partner Competition! Our first competition was a huge success and this will surely sell out quick!
(Male/ Female)
25 Rx spots
25 Scaled spots
3 events + Final event for top 5 teams
Awards for top 5
Double unders
G2OH 135/95
Deadlift 225/155
Chest to bar pullups
Toes to bar
KB overhead swing 75/53
Single unders
G2OH 95/65
Deadlift 185/115
Ring rows
Abmat situps
KB overhead swing 53/35
We will be releasing a video of all movement standards in the following weeks. Think games standards.
Now grab your Swolemate and get practicing!
Event WODS
Workouts have not yet been released.