Join and support your fellow athletes in the competitive arena or from the specter stands during the 2nd Annual Queen City Cup hosted by CrossFit Ad Finem. This is a team based CrossFit style competitive event.Date: July 30, 2016 9am-3pm
Location:157 Gay St, Manchester NH
Event Homepage Link HERE
Three Event WODS details:
AMRAP 3: Max Reps Clean & Jerks @ 95/63 There will be 1 bar, pre loaded for both athletes to use. In 3 minutes the each team of two must complete as many reps as possible for a clean and jerk at 95/63. Each rep must start on the ground, touch the shoulders (receiving position for clean) and finish overhead w/ arms, hips, and knees locked out. The athlete must hold the weight overhead until the judge OK’s the rep otherwise the rep will NOT count. You do not have to pause between the clean and the jerk. Any form of clean will work: Power-Muscle-Squat-Split; and the same goes for the Jerk: Split-Push-Squat-Push Press.
WOD#2: “Fuel your Fire” FT
For Time: 27-21-15-9 (Cap 10min) Box Jumps @24/20 Wall Balls @20/14 to 10ft/9ft Each team will complete in order 27-Box Jumps, then 27-Wall Balls, etc… until the last 9 Wall Balls are finished for their scored time. You can break up the reps however you like, and NO each athlete DOES NOT have to do both movements as long as the reps of each get done. Step Ups are allowed but both step ups and box jumps MUST have full hip and knee extension and show control on the box. Wall Balls will be 20# for the guys, 14# for the ladies and per usual guys throw to a 10ft target marked with our blue CFAF targets and the ladies will use the 14# ball and throw to the yellow CFAF targets. Hip crease must break parallel and wall ball must touch inside the target.
WOD#3: “The Chipper” sponsored by Kill Cliff
AMRAP 15 -Run 200m w/ Sandbag 50/30* -75 x American KB Swings 53/35** -75 x Burpees*** -75 x Plate OH Lunges 25/15**** * = Both partners must run but only one has to carry the sandbag for the 200m out and back loop ** = KB Swings can be broken up however you and your partner want. American swing means at the finish point arms are fully extended overhead w/ ears between the biceps and KB overhead. While arms are overhead and extended hips & knees are extended and locked out. Starting point the KB is between the legs *** = Burpees – pretty straight forward, start standing then drop to ground making contact w/ your chest then returning to feet and jumping off the ground making sure to fully extend your hips. **** = Plate OH Lunge – At no time can the plate make contact with the head as the arms must keep the weight OH, arms do not have to remain locked if you choose. The rep starts and finishes w/ feet together with the weight OH. Take step to initiate lunge bringing back knee to the ground making contact w/ the ground (wear knee pads if you’d like) then stepping back and bringing feet back together. **PENALTY** If at any point during the 15 minutes the sandbag makes contact with the ground a 10 rep synchronized Air Squat penalty will be placed. Yes, synchronized meaning you and your partner must squat below parallel at the same time and return to full extension at the same time. Throughout the WOD you may pass the sandbag to your partner while switching in and out of your designated workout area…in the field…behind the box. Bring your sunscreen, your shades, and a change of clothes because we’re doing this outside RAIN OR SHINE (excluding lightning, I guess we can bring it indoors and switch it up if there’s lightning).