Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. 2 rounds of
7 x Hindu Push-ups
10 x Goblet Squats (24/16)
10 x KB Swings (24/16)
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Front Squat
Warm up as needed (3 sets x 5 reps) before completing the following workload for Front Squats.
Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3
Notes: Only attempt a 3RM if you’re feeling good. Compare scores to 11.28.2016 or heaviest 3-rep weight from the month of November.
Post loads to comments.
Complete for time
40 x Wallball (20/14)
10 x Power Snatch (115/75)
30 x Wallball (20/14)
10 x Power Snatch (115/75)
20 x Wallball (20/14)
10 x Power Snatch (115/75)
10 x Wallball (20/14)
Post times to comments.
Front Squat: 215#.
“Thunderbird”: 12:55 Rx.
Front Squat: 215#.
“Thunderbird”: 12:55 Rx.
Front Squats: 120×3
Thunderbird: 18:47 @ 55#
“Front Squat 3’s”: 155 # x 3
“Thunderbird”: 13:23 (95# PC and 10 at the end because I wasn’t paying attention)
Front Squat: 185×3, 195×2!!
“Thunderbird”: 8:53 Rx’d