Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice
II. 3 Rounds of
5 x Hit and Catch (Power Snatch)
5 x Snatch Balance
5 x Power Snatch
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Power Snatch Singles EMOTM
Warm up as needed before completing the following workload every minute on the minute for 10 rounds.
1 x Power Snatch (75-85%1RM)
Notes: The same weight should be used for all rounds. Reference scores from 03.15.2018, link found HERE.
Post loads to comments.
Complete for time
21 x Push-ups
21 x Ring Rows
100ft x Walking Lunges
18 x Push-ups
18 x Ring Rows
100ft x Walking Lunges
15 x Push-ups
15 x Ring Rows
100ft x Walking Lunges
12 x Push-ups
12 x Ring Rows
100ft x Walking Lunges
9 x Push-ups
9 x Ring Rows
100ft x Walking Lunges
6 x Push-ups
6 x Ring Rows
100ft x Walking Lunges
Notes: There will be a 12 minute incentive time cap on today’s metcon, get some freaks.
Post scores to comments.
“Power Snatch Singles EMOTM”: 85#
“Roots” : 14:52
10:20 Rx.
Power Snatch EMOTM: 70#
Roots: 542 reps Rx
Power Snatch: 90#
Roots: Haha, I don’t want to talk about it.