Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Tempo Deadlift Triples EMOTM (:90)
Warm up as needed with 3-5 sets x 3 reps (climbing weight) before completing the following workload for the Deadlift.
Every :90 seconds for 7 Rounds
3 x Deadlift (sets at same weight;60-70%)
Notes: Maintain a controlled (eccentric; negative) descent for longer than the concentric time per repetition. Scale to lighter load or two rep sets to ensure this is possible and sustainable with sound technique.
Post scores to comments.
4 Rounds for max reps possible
:30 x Toes-to-Bar
:20 x Rest/Transition
:30 x Push Press (75/55lbs)
:20 x Rest/Transition
:30 x Barbell Row (75/55lbs)
:20 x Rest/Transition
:30 x Burpees
:60 x Rest/Transition to next Round
Notes: Scaling for movements and technical applications of movements in a Metcon will be reviewed during the whiteboard brief.
Post total repetitions scores to comments.
185 Rx.
Tempo Deadlift Triples: 135#
Riottaba: 127 Rx