WOD & Blog
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m or Run 400m
II. Posterior Chain, Lax Ball Drills & Overhead Mobility Drills
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Bench Press & Strict Pull-ups
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight and prepping Pull-up movements; Work through the following sets of Bench Press & Strict Pull-ups:
6 Rounds, on the 2:30 of
Bench Press x 5-5-3-3-1-Max Reps
(50-75% of best weight for final drop set/max reps)
3, 5 or 7 reps x Strict Pull-ups, Banded Strict Pull-ups
Notes: Additional challenges may be found by scaling up to Weighted Pull-ups or Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups. Bias towards banded work over Ring Row work today. Drop weight to 50-75% of the best weight hit for the day and complete one max rep set to finish on the sixth round. Pull-up work sustains across rounds at the same number of reps/task challenge.
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“Bluegrass Hustle”
For time
Run 800m
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
Push Press (95/65lbs)
Pull-ups (Kipping) or Ring Rows
Finish with…
Run 800m
Notes: Scaling for the Run, Push Press & Pull-ups today will be covered during the whiteboard brief. Bring the lumber, Ninjas.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Back Squat
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.
Every 2:00 x 6 Rounds Total
Back Squat x 3-3-3-2-2-2
*Climb weight as able across sets.
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“Tactical Foliage”
8 Rounds for time
vs. a 15:00 time cap
8 x Toes-to-Bar
8 x Bar Facing Burpees
3 x Cleans (155/105lbs)
Notes: Cleans may be Power or Full, scale load as needed. Additional Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice/Foam Rolling/Overhead Mobility Prep Focus
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Shoulder-to-Overhead 2&1RM
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.
5:00 x Establish a 2RM Shoulder-to-Overhead
5:00 x Establish a 1RM Shoulder-to-Overhead
Notes: Press, Push Press, Push Jerk & Split Jerk are all viable options for the Shoulder-to-0verhead 1 and 2 rep max tests. Today’s weightlifting segment has been inspired by the first event assigned to Warren and his comrades competing in the upcoming Master’s CrossFit Games.
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“Doin’ Laps, Slaps”
Completing max reps/distance possible during each work interval, perform 4 Rounds of the following;
1:00 x Wall Walks or Inchworms
1:00 x Front Squat (95/65lbs)
1:00 x Push Jerk (95/65lbs)
1:00 x Shuttle Run (30ft out + 30ft back = 1 rep)
1:00 x Rest
Warm-up Drills
I. Row 500m or Run 400m
II. Foam Rolling & Mobility Drills
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
“Filthy Funfiddy ”
For time
50 x Box jumps (24/20”) or Box Step-ups (25L/25R)
50 x Ring Rows
50 x American Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)
50 x Hammer Strikes (25L/25R) or 50 x Slamball
50 x V-ups / Tuck-ups
50 x Back Extensions or 50 x Goodmornings (45/35lbs)
50 x Push-ups
50 x Thrusters (45/35lbs) or Reverse Wallball (20/14lbs)
50 x Burpees
50 x Double-Unders
Notes: Bring the lumber for this metcon Benchmark today, ninjas. This WOD may be performed vs a 20:00 or 30:00 time cap, or a volume scaling approach would be to sub 30 reps in place of the 50 assigned in the Rx version above. Compare scores to 08.11.2023 linked HERE.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice/Foam Rolling/Overhead Mobility Prep Focus
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Hang Power Snatch Complex
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.
Every :90 x 7 Rounds Total
Hang Power + Power Snatch x 1-1-1-1-1-1-1
Notes: Hang to Low, Medium, or High (all positions above knee height) for the Hang Power Snatch rep’s starting point.
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“A Banger”
10:00 AMRAP of
20 x Wallball (20/14lbs)
12 x 1-arm DB Hang Power Snatch (50/35lbs)
Notes: Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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Skill Development
*Options for post wod mobility/flexibility/recovery efforts or the following core conditioning as follows:
8:00 of total running time, set-up for Tabata clock intervals.
4 Rounds of
:20 x L-sit or Plank Hold
:10 x Rest
8 Rounds of
:20 x Sandball Clean-to-Forward Throw
:10 x Sandball Bearhug Walk
4 Rounds of
:20 x Hollow Rocks
:10 x Rest
Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Row & Turkish Get-up Intervals
Every Minute on the Minute (EMOTM) x 8-10 Minutes total work:
6 Rounds of
1:00 x Row Max Kcal
:15 rest/transition
:90 x Turkish Get-ups (Alternate L+R per rep)
:15 rest/transition
Notes: Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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Complete 5 Rounds for time vs. a 14:00 Soft Time Cap
Walking Lunges x 80ft per round
12-12-12-12-12 x Burpees
9-12-15-18-21 x GHD/Abmat Sit-ups
Notes: Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
Impact/Focus: Barbell Complex
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.
Every 2:00 x 7 Rounds Total
1 x Power Clean
1 x Hang (Squat) Clean
1 x Shoulder-to-Overhead
*Climb weight as able across sets.
**Press, Push Press, Push Jerk & Split Jerk are all viable options for the Shoulder-to-0verhead portion of this Barbell Complex.
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3 Rounds for time of
Run 400m
21 x American KB Swings (24/16kg)
12 x Pull-ups
Notes: This is a Benchmark WOD, compare scores to 05.08.2023 linked HERE.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Complete for time
155 x Double-unders
155 x 1-arm Devil’s Press (50/35lbs)
155 x Double-unders
**Starting with and Every 2:00 minutes perform 2 x Reverse Burpees or 1 x Inverted Burpee + 5ft Handstand Walk.
Rx+ EMOTM Style, Com[are to 05.05.2022 linked HERE.
Marine Sgt. Matthew J. Fenton, 24 years old, of Little Ferry, N.J.; assigned to Marine Forces Reserve’s Inspector and Instructor Staff, 1st Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division, Fort Devens, Mass.; died May 5 at National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Md., from wounds received April 26 while conducting combat operations against enemy forces in Anbar province, Iraq.
On May 5th we honored Glover & McKenna with their HERO WOD and today we to do with Sgt. Fenton who perished on May 5th. Catharsis demanded this unique paradox of dates and the HERO WODs were subsequently programmed.
Notes: There will be optional time caps, overall and per the middle section specifically, as needed. The movement of the Reverse Burpee for this WOD must finish with a jump onto or over the object used for the Devil’s Press; adjust the weight as needed to facilitate an ability to continue pushing through the Devil’s Press workload throughout the grueling longer training timeline. Scale the Reverse Burpees with mats/arm assisted. Athletes may choose to perform 1 x Inverted Burpee + 5ft HS Walk if in place of the 2 x Reverse Burpees if they happen to be feeling extra froggy. Mountain Climbers would be the abstract task as needed, specifics provided as applicable.
Scaling the WOD entails Single-unders at 1,2, or 3x the rep count; Let friskiness dictate on this Friday.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Power or Full Snatch
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.
Every :90 x 8 Rounds Total
Power Snatch x 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1
*Climb weight as able across sets.
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“Bear Down”
4 Rounds for time of
30ft x Handstand Walk or 100ft x Bear Crawl
25 x GHD Sit-ups or 40 x Abmat Sit-ups
100m x Farmer’s Carry (32/24kg KB’s)
Notes: Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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Read MoreWarm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility
Impact/Focus: Front Squat
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.
Every 2:30 x 5 Rounds Total
Front Squat x 5-5-3-3-3 (climb weight each round)
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“Fran’s Got The Runs”
5 Rounds for time vs. a 15:00 Time Cap
Run 200m
15-12-9-6-3 x Thrusters (95/65lbs)
15-12-9-6-3 x Pull-ups
Notes: Additional Scaling and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.
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