WOD & Blog

Thursday 11.14.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 13, 2024 / 0 Comments
Back Squat Demo Video Link found HERE.

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Back Squat 5’s
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a working weight (70-80%1RM).

Every 3:00 x 4-5 Rounds Total
Back Squat x 5-5-5-5-5

Notes: Lighter sets x 4 sets of 5 reps with and emphasis on working movement mechanics or applying a pause at depth may be applicable for athletes still having some deep feels in the legs after the week thus far. Regarding loading guidance: Athletes may climb to their best 5 rep set on the day or sustain across at the % based assignment. We are building our heavy volume for 1 rep tests coming up as well as some linear progressions for a combination of barbell movements as we head into Open Prep season.

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“Mind Jail”
12:00 AMRAP of

35 x Double-unders
25 x Mountain Climbers (2 count)
15 x GHD Situps / 20 x Abmat Sit-ups
10 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)

Notes: See what we did there with the 2 count movement? Niiiiiice. 2:1 for Single-unders. Rx+ 50-35-20-15 reps respectively, sandball Cleans are also viable if they are able to be cycled well from rep to rep. Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Wednesday 11.13.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 13, 2024 / 0 Comments
HEALTHY HIP SQUAT CLINIC TONIGHT!!! Get in here and learn with us!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
II. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Snatch ‘Weighted Whirlpool’
Warm-up sets, technique review and point of performance reinforcement.

Complete the following every :90 to 2:00 vs. a 16:00 Running Clock
Power Snatch x 7-6-5-4-3-2-1-1-1

Notes: Power or Full Snatch are both options for today’s training. Manage work/rest as needed across the rounds and reps assigned; tap n go sets for as long as able, dump and reset as load demands. Specific training tracks today would gravitate towards the following
I. Light weight barbell movements across rounds developing proficiency in the mechanics of the lift,
II. Maintain the same weight across at a challenging load that targets a specific metcon weight goal,
III. Climb weight across sets as able until hitting the best single rep personal record or best lift on the day.

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3 Rounds for time of
Row 500m
12 x Power Snatch (95/65lbs)
21 x Box Jumps (24/20″)

Notes: Additional Scaling and Rx+ guidelines will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Tuesday 11.12.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 12, 2024 / 0 Comments
The 415pm crew getting after their Rope Climbs during Hero WOD “White”, YESSSSSS!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Push Press
Warm-up Sets & Reps building to a starting weight.
Climb weight across sets as able.

Every 2:00 x 6 Rounds Total
Push Press x 3-3-3-3-3-3

*Climb weight as able across sets, attempt to climb to the best set of three by rounds 4 or 5, repeat for the final set or two.

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“Time Dilation”
3 Rounds for total/max reps
1:00 x Push Press (95/65lbs)
1:00 x Burpee + Sandball to Shoulder (60/40lbs)
1:00 x Inverted Burpees / Reverse Burpees
1:00 x Hand Release Push-ups
1:00 x Rest

Notes: Oh, we’re having fun are we? Feel free to Rx+ this one with a fourth round added on. Additional Scaling and Rx+ guidelines will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Monday 11.11.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 11, 2024 / 0 Comments
One of the glorious sections of Chuck’s Veteran’s Day tribute which he sets up for each of the holidays/special days across the year, YESSSSSS CHUCK!!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Movement Primer
3-4 Rounds vs. 8:00 for movement set-up & warm-up sets.

5 Rounds for time of
3 x Rope Climbs
10 x Toes-to-Bar
21 x Overhead Walking Lunges (45/35lbs)
Run 400m

Notes: Run options may substitute a 500m Row or indoor Shuttle Run. Rope Climbs scale to Ring Rows, Pull-ups, Pulls-to-standing, and knotted rope climbs as applicable. Additional movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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U.S. Army 1st Lt. Ashley White, 24, of Alliance, Ohio, assigned to the 230th Brigade Support Battalion, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina National Guard, based in Goldsboro, North Carolina, died on Oct. 22, 2011, in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked her unit with an improvised explosive device.

She is survived by her husband, Capt. Jason Stumpf; parents, Robert and Deborah; brother, Josh; and sister, Brittney.

First posted Nov. 8, 2011.


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Friday 11.08.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 8, 2024 / 0 Comments
Get in here and learn with us!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Deadlifts & Strict Gymnastic Strength
Warm-up Sets/Reps building to a starting weight and preparing for the Strict Handstand Strength movement.

5 Rounds, on the :90 to complete the following Deadlift & HSPU tasks:

5-5-5-5-5 x Deadlift
3-5 x Strict Handstand Push-ups

Notes: Deadlift weight targets should be 75-80% across or climb to the best 5rep on the day.

For time vs. an 18:00 soft time cap

50 x Double-unders

3 Rounds of
8 x Deadlift (225/155lbs)
8 x Handstand Push-ups

100 x Double-unders

3 Rounds of
8 x Handstand Push-ups
8 x Deadlift (225/155lbs)

50 x Double-unders

Notes: Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Thursday 11.07.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 7, 2024 / 0 Comments

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
*6:00 AMRAP of 10 x Deadbugs + 20 x Hollow Rocks + 30 x Jumping Jacks (‘touch-n-touch’)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: “Walks, Rocks, Walks: A Triple EMOTM”
Warm-up & establish each minutes training task/objectives, then…

‘Triple Alternating Every Minute On The Minute’ (EMOTM) of
Work through the following three tasks, which alternate on the minute. Walks are for max distance in their respective minutes where 10ft = 1 rep; Hollow Rocks are a two count movement where each two counts is one rep.

4 Rounds of
1:00 x Walk w/ Bumper Plate Overhead
1:00 x Hollow Rocks or L-sit (seconds)
1:00 x Farmer’s Carry KB’s, DB’s or Sandbag Bear Hug

Notes: Movement points of performance, scaling applications, and training intentions will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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“Double Entendre”
Complete for time vs. a 17:00 time cap
Run 800m
10 x Devil Slams (30/20lbs)
10 x Pull-ups
Run 400m
15 x Devil Slams (30/20lbs)
15 x Pull-ups
Run 200m
20 x Devil Slams (30/20lbs)
20 x Pull-ups
Run 100m
10 x Devil Slams (30/20lbs)
10 x Pull-ups

Notes: Athletes may perform 1 x Burpee and 1 x Slamball rep for each rep of Devil Slams as Rx training; however it may be much more interesting to try this new little gem of a movement. Athletes begin with a Burpee to the side/around the slamball as normally performed, instead of rising out the rep into a Jump, today we will attach the Slamball rep onto this portion of the ROM. Let the words simmer, freaks, the reveal will drop during the whiteboard brief.

Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Wednesday 11.06.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 6, 2024 / 0 Comments

Warm-up Drills
I. Run 400m or Row 500
II. Coach’s Choice
III. Mobility

Impact/Focus: Movement Primer
Work through the following sets of Power Cleans, Push-ups & Air Squats to prime movement patterns and sound mechanics for the today’s Benchmark WOD “The Chief”.

VS 8:00 (4 x 2:00)
2 x Power Cleans
4 x Push-ups
6 x Air Squats

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“The Chief”
Complete as many rounds & reps as possible during each three minute interval of work. Rest one minute between rounds; Begin each 3:00 AMRAP over from the beginning,

5 x 3:00 AMRAP x 1:00 Rest

3 x Power cleans (135/95lbs)
6 x Push-ups
9 x Air Squats

Notes: Score each AMRAP individually, begin each three minute working window from the start of a round with 3 x Power Cleans.

Post 5 scores, one for each of the 3:00 AMRAPs, to comments.

The Background/Story behind “The Chief”, a CrossFit Benchmark & Hero WOD:

Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, “The Chiefs” have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. As the induction process for newly selected Chief Petty Officers is now underway throughout the U.S. Navy, we thought it appropriate to inaugurate “The Chief” in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs. Thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission, and devotion to country.

This narrative continues next week when we run through “The Gunny” Benchmark & Hero WOD.


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Tuesday 11.05.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 5, 2024 / 0 Comments
Coach Paul surveys the athletes in the arena, Tim toils away in the foreground while Alyssa rolls around in the background celebrating the completion of the day’s training. YESSSSSS!!!!


”And it’s the chance — to find out what I could [really] do… No, I don’t like work. I’d much rather laze about and think of all the fine things that could be done.
I don’t like work, no man truly does. But I like what is in the work… The chance to find yourself.
Your own reality. For yourself, not for others. What no other man can ever know.’

–Marlow, Heart of Darkness

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Push Jerk & Strict Toes-to-Bar
AMRAP x 12:00, completed as two back to back 6:00 AMRAPs (see below)

6:00 AMRAP
2-2-2-2… x Push Jerks (climb across sets)
5,7 or 9 x Strict Toes-to-Bar

6:00 AMRAP
1-1-1-1… x Push Jerks (climb across sets)
5,7 or 9 x Strict Toes-to-Bar

Notes: Complete as many rounds as possible across the 12 minutes. At the six minute mark athletes will switch over to single reps as they continue to climb weight while racking up rounds for the AMRAP side of the score. Scores will be weights and Rounds/Reps completed. Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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“Viet Narnia”
For time vs. a soft 15:00 Time Cap
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps of
Bumper Ground-to-Overhead (45/35lbs)
Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
GHD/Abmat Sit-ups

Notes: Need more swole today? Try Rx+. with 55/45lbs bumper plates to start. Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Monday 11.04.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 4, 2024 / 0 Comments

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review

Impact/Focus: Power Snatch & Overhead Squat Complex
6 Rounds, on the 2:00 clock

1 x Power Snatch
3 x Overhead Squat
*Climb weight as able across sets.

Notes: Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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“Laffy Taffy & Salt Water”
Complete as many Rounds/Reps as possible in 12:00 of

Row 250m
Wallball (20/14lbs) x 10-15-20-25-30-35…(+5 reps per round)

Notes: Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Friday 11.01.2024

By Samy Daghir / November 1, 2024 / 0 Comments
Coach Kerri ascends a Rope Climb, Yessssss!!!!!!

Warm-up Drills
I. Coach’s Choice (Dynamics, Rounds & Reps, Games, etc.)
III. Set-up, Training Flow & Movement Review
*Emphasis: Pec, Scaps, Traps Lax Ball Drills (Pressing & Overhead Mobility)

Impact/Focus: Walls, Ladders & Crawls
10 Rounds, on the :75 of
1 x Wall Walk
1-10 x Push-ups
15ft Bear Crawl
15ft Reverse Bear Crawl

Notes: Complete an ascending ladder of Push-ups with a CFGS or ACFT Hand Release rep style for 10 Rounds, the Wall Walks & Bear Crawls remain the same across each set. An example of Push-up scaling for volume across the ten rounds might be 1-2-3-4-5-1-2-3-4-5. Bear Crawl out and Reverse Bear Crawl back to the Wall Walk rep to begin the next round. Remaining time per interval is rest time. Rx+ Complete for time w/ a :20 rest between rounds.

Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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“Opportunity Knocks”
10 minute AMRAP of
1,2,3… x L-Arm Hang Power Snatch
1,2,3… x R-Arm Hang Power Snatch
15 x Anchored Abmat Sit-ups
10 x Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs)
*Score is rounds and reps completed at the 10 minute mark.

Rest 1:00,

Against a 5 minute Time Cap
Complete the following for time
Run 800m
**Score is 800m Run time or if athletes hit the five minute time cap; score total distance covered (meters).

Notes: Each new round adds on 1 rep to each 1-arm set of Dumbbell or Kettlebell Hang Power Snatches. 50/35lbs or 24/16kg would be the ideal Rx weights to scale heavier or lighter from as needed. Anchor Abmat Sit-ups today with a Medicine Ball held between the ankles with knees together (not butterfly style); touch the medicine Ball with both hands for today’s training or increase the challenge by setting up near a bench or wall and reaching to touch over the Medicine Ball to complete each rep (spicy).

Additional scaling details and Points of Performance will be covered during the whiteboard brief.

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Skill Development
4 Rounds of
12 x GHD Back Extensions
12-15 x Supine Tuck-up Knees-to-Elbows
*Anchor with a Medicine Ball.

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